At 15 months, John's weighing in at 23 lbs. He's getting so much taller! He's 32 inches. It's pretty crazy he's almost grown a foot in a year. And his head is 47.5 cm if that means anything to you. If it doesn't, rest assured, John has a pretty good sized noggin'! I always remember that when it comes crashing into my face!
I'm thinking about getting John a harmonica for Christmas. His hands are so often in the perfect position for it! If he just got to work on his breathing into a little metal box, he could be a child prodigy in no time!John is such an explorer! Some say he'll be an engineer. I don't know about that, but he sure explores every option, and exhausts all the possibilities before giving up at anything.
He still puts anything and everything in his mouth no matter how hard I try to stop him, so I've mostly given up.
John's strengthening his thighs with a lot more squats lately.
He had a lot of fun dressing up this month as Monster John, and John the Monkey.
John is eating really well. Although he's still not eating all table food because it's to difficult to chew it all, John eats mostly whatever we eat. In the morning he drinks the juice Daddy makes for us (carrot, celery, apple, lemon and spinach/kale) then eats cereal and fruit with me, then I've just started making a milk shake for him during the day. (I'm starting to ween makes me sad... but we've got to replace it with something). I put milk, berries, flaxseed, sunflower seeds, and nuts (pecans, walnuts or almonds) into almond milk, and he likes it quite a bit. I am glad because he needs those healthy fats.
He also loves avocados, tomatoes, hummus, marinara sauce, whole wheat pasta, rice, potatoes, cooked onions, broccoli, asparagus, spinach, kale, chickpeas, well all sorts of beans, any kind of fruit. He drinks green smoothies all the time. His iron was low at his 12 month appt, but thankfully, since we've tried to up his intake of iron rich foods, his levels are normal now! And we didn't have to give him a supplement :)
John vocabulary is increasing.
He can say: Hi, yeah, woof woof, quack quack, moo, mama, dada,
As for signing, he waves when we say "Hola!" He does: Mas/More, Comer/Comida/Eat/Food, Leche/Milk, Terminado/Finished
He also loves to say: Eeee-gah! Weego weego. Biggle Biggle Biggle
As it is with all language learners, he understands much more than he can say. I love to see the dawning comprehension on his face when he learns something new.
John took his first step on Oct. 24th! (without holding on to anything) And we got it on camera! Well, you can't see his feet, but you can tell it is an attempt! And the next two days, he's taken a step on each day, and he's starting to walk holding just one of my hands, and he's really zooming with his musical push toy. We are just so proud! We are so thankful to be able to watch him grow, learn and develop. Although I'm thrilled for him, there is a little pang of sadness that my baby isn't really a baby any more. He's a little boy. He's growing up.... But we are sure enjoying each moment and milestone with our precious son.
Just look at him! It's amazing how it's possible for him to keep getting cuter!
John is getting a little of the "Mama attachment syndrome," and just a bit of stranger anxiety. I'm hoping he's acting so attached to me right now because of teething and recent vaccinations. We'll see I guess. Sometimes it's frustrating, and other times it makes me feel special and loved :) Usually John can be won over by strangers who smile at him, and most people do because he's so stinkin' cute!
John likes to imitate us now. It's easiest to get him to brush his teeth if I'm doing it to. He likes to have the bottom teeth brushed but not the top.
We think he's getting more teeth on the bottom. They haven't surfaced yet, but the drooling, crankiness and teeth grinding have.
John likes yelling a bit more than I want him to. I think he's testing out his vocal chords, and he's frustrated that he can't tell us exactly what he wants.

John really started walking the last weekend in October. We were visiting my Aunts, Candi and Laura, and their house has carpet, and he seemed to gain a little confidence because it didn't hurt as much to fall (as it does on our wood floors). He took 10 steps in a row a number of times!

Oh how we love our little boy!
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