Monday, December 8, 2014
Saturday, December 6, 2014
Before and After
Thankfully my brother Trey let me cut his hair!
Look! it is clear that even John is happy about it, and feels much more comfortable with the trey now :-)
Friday, December 5, 2014
Our House on Center St.
We took a walk down memory lane the other day. We were in Des Plaines, Illinois, and we passed by Center Street and stopped at this house. Yes, this Is Our Center Street house, although it looks much better now. The awful green awnings have been taken off, new windows have been put in, and a new door, and new landscaping. I might not have recognized it. But I know this house. I lived there from second grade through fifth grade. I remember being sad to leave it, although there were nine of us now, and still only one bathroom :-) there're only two bedrooms in the house, and I cherish the time that I got to share a room with my sister Hannah behind the basement stairs in our unfinished basement, and my mom made curtains for us to be our door. We would giggle for hours, when we are supposed to be sleeping. 

I remember Christmases in this house, I remember the Christmas that my mom made tents for Barbies. Those were some of the best Christmas presents ever! And the time when our family was having a hard time financially, and someone showed up on our door with the Christmas tree and money for presents, they rang the doorbell and ran away, so we still don't know who it was. But we are still so grateful.
I remember when my grandma, Bonnie Hubbard put a loaf of bread in the microwave to defrost it, and forgot to take the metal twist tie off. I remember it catching on fire inside the microwave in the kitchen filling with smoke :-)
I remember how my dad would send us outside on the lawn, with big kids involved, and he told us that he would pay as a penny for every dandelion that we picked. We picked hundreds of dandelions! And I am sure my dad thought it was money well spent, because it bought him some time, despite the fact that the dandelions would still grow back.
I remember our Beatles club that my three sisters and I, the 4 oldest kids had in our basement. Hannah always got to be Paul, the coveted Beatle; she is the oldest :-) Claire was George, Martha was John. I don't know why I was always Ringo… probably because I wanted to be Paul but he was already taken.
I remember playing duck in the basement On our Nintendo set, want to my sisters play Mario Brothers, because I wasn't very good either and I like to watch better anyway. And rollerskating on the unfinished floor around the poles.
And unfortunate memory is the time that I framed my sister Claire, by spelling her name and shaving cream on my parents bedroom door. I couldn't take it when she was getting a terrible spanking! I came out and yelled "no it was me!!" I got a real spanking then. And then there is the time that my sister Hannah was babysitting us while my parents went to the grocery store, and Jacob and I were supposed to set the table. I think he was four years old. He threw a fork at me, and I threw a butter knife back, trying not to hit him. But, I had a terrible aim and I had him smack in the middle of his fore head. He had blood all over his face, and we were all panicking. Hannah called Jill Kemper from our ward to ask for help, and I don't remember how everything was resolved. I remember that Jacob did not need stitches, and that I had to stand in the corner all day, and I probably got a horrible spanking. It was not funny then, but it is pretty funny now. Every family has those stories.
I remember the swingset in the backyard that my parents brought for us all the way from Ohio, and I remember our bikes being stolen out of our driveway when we went inside to get some Popsicles.
When I was older, I wanted my own room, so my mom took shower curtains and put them up around the unfinished basement and put a bed down there for me, so that I could have my own space :-) I remember one day when I woke up and put my feet into almost a foot of water. Our basement had flooded, and it was a miracle that I didn't get electrocuted. I remember that kind church members came and helped us get the water out of the basement and clean it up.
I remember dressing up for Halloween in that house on Center Street, carving pumpkins, and going trick-or-treating.
I remember loving going to South school. I loves the giant cottonwood tree out on the playground. I was so sad to leave that school.
I remember starting the cello in that house, and how we would all get out our musical instruments and play. I remember listening to my mom play the piano, and my dad play the guitar and we would dance.
I remember when Trey and Ashley first came to our family. I felt like they were my babies.
There are so many beautiful memories from that house on Center Street, I am glad that I got to see it again and remember.
Wednesday, December 3, 2014
Elder Shepard is Home from Brazil!
Saturday, November 22, 2014
How my boy eats
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Second changes, new beginnings
"Because of Him we can start again and again and again. Because of Him guilt becomes peace, regret becomes relief, despair becomes hope. Because of Him we have second chances, clean slates, new beginnings. Because of Him there is no such thing as the end"
Not just true at Eastet , but always. I'm excited for the season we celebrate because of Him.
Monday, November 10, 2014
Biblioteca! Y el parque
It was a gorgeous day today! On my way to physical therapy this morning, I got to see the sunrise. It was one of the sunrises that could possibly cause car accidents it's so beautiful! I am glad I kept my car in the road :-)
Monday night is our family night. We spent it together at the park near the Tremont Road library in upper Arlington. It was a lot of fun! John love the slides, and really everything there. When he was on the swings, and had been for a long time, I asked him, are you done? And he would say, no, every time.
I couldn't get a good picture, because he was always on the go.
And if the sunrise today wasn't enough, the sunset was amazing! Seeing it was kind of one of those feelings like when you get a genuine card in the mail from a friend that says I was thinking of you and I think you're great. I felt as though God was reminding me, "I'm still here, I remember you, I think of you often, and I love you."

Brian Regan #4

And a big shout out to Esther for watching John for us! He had such a blast and it was a really kind thing to do for us! Thank you!
Date night is so important to keep a romance burning brightly! It doesn't have to be expensive, but it is wonderful to do some big fun things together every once in a while.
Sunday, November 9, 2014
Any cuter?
Sometimes I wonder if john could get any cuter, and then he does! His charismatic personality comes out and I am amazed that our love for him just keeps growing.
Tuesday, November 4, 2014
My little astronaut

Monday, November 3, 2014
I love to see the temple
Are church building is right next to the Columbus Temple. Every time we go to church, and we pass the temple as we drive into the parking lot, John says "temple! I'll go inside some day!"
Sunday, November 2, 2014
So glad that True Charity Never Fails
Today John wasn't feeling too well. I thought about taking him home from church to take a nap so that he could recover, since he wasn't going to nursery, but I felt like I should go to Relief Society (our women's meeting on Sundays at church). I was very tired, but I went. I am so glad I did. One of my dear new friends here in Columbus, Kelli, gave the most beautiful lesson about how we can turn to Christ to help us when we feel that our own charity is failing, and when we do feel weary in well-doing. "Charity Never Faileth" is the motto of the Relief Society. But we talked of how we are all imperfect. And many times, our own charity (or pure love) does fail. It runs out sometimes. Our own charity is weak sometimes. But someone said that, although this is true, that's not what this scripture is talking about. Although our charity does fail, Christ's love for us never fails, and we can turn to Him for love, help, guidance. We talked of new beginnings, of acknowledging that it's ok to have bad feelings sometime, to feel angry, or frustrated, or sad, etc. But that these feelings are opportunities from God help us recognize when changes need to be made. It isn't one monumental effort. It is the consistent daily effort of a lifetime that will bring us to our goal. We need to be kind and loving to ourselves, to forgive ourselves and start again. Just try again, and keep trying.
The comments and insights and instruction received in this meeting were sweet and poignant to me. I needed to be there. God knew this was just what I needed. And miracles happened inside me today. I am so thankful I have the privilege to do to church. And that is why I always go, even when I don't want to. God can always show me a better way when I am there at church. It gives me a new perspective and vision for another week.
The comments and insights and instruction received in this meeting were sweet and poignant to me. I needed to be there. God knew this was just what I needed. And miracles happened inside me today. I am so thankful I have the privilege to do to church. And that is why I always go, even when I don't want to. God can always show me a better way when I am there at church. It gives me a new perspective and vision for another week.
Saturday, November 1, 2014
Cutting john's hair again
This kid has got some good hair! It grows fast, and he had a ton of it. I can't even remember how many times I have cut it now. He was starting to get the rat tail on the back, and that bothers me. Also his bangs are in his eyes.
Friday, October 31, 2014
Happiest Halloween :)
John's children are going to play with this airplane... If it survives that long with tune ups :)
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