Our little imp really gets banged up on his adventures. He's walking so well now, he's not so cautious. He gets and idea in his head and tries to run with it, literally. (This pic is old, but John still has plenty of "bonks" daily) He is getting better at rolling into his falls now :)

Tonight, we had a lovely dinner with a friend from our church, Julie Edgin. John just hammed it up for her the whole night. He thought he was going to go home with her after family home evening :) It was really nice to talk with Julie. We discussed how everyone has their own challenges. We discussed some of my health struggles, and someone she knows has some similar troubles, but so much worse, and will be have 2 major surgeries this week. We'll be praying for that person, and counting our blessings. I thought about how it was much easier physically to be sick when I didn't have a baby, and it is much more physically difficult now. But it is much more emotionally easy to be sick when I have this little bundle of joy tramping around the house (yes, he tramps. Today, I was trying to clean up the house, and John was just happily following me around. Then I turned and saw that he had undone everything I had cleaned up! Needless to say, I just left it like that.) As we talked tonight, my struggles seemed much smaller than before while thinking of others and knowing that everyone faces major trials in life, and those trials help us grow into who we need to become - if we let them.We all just need to support each other, and to find the simple joys. That's easier for me to do with Seth and John around. John is in love with popcorn. hearing him giggle as he watches the "palomitas" pop out of the air popper is magical.
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