Friday, February 22, 2013

11-30-12 John - 4 Months Old!

I know it's a long time since then, but my blog stopped accepting pictures, and life happened, so here we are, catching up again :)

 It is amazing that John is already 4 months old! He is just a joy in our lives. Right now John has a cold, poor baby, and I caught it from him. Thankfully John's fever is down now though. Most of the time he just wants to sleep, and I don't blame him because I do too. Hopefully Seth doesn't catch it.

John has developed new talents since 3 months old.
- His Tarzan yell
- Much steadier hands and arms. He's grabbing his toys and holding on to them instead of just hitting them, and everything, no matter what it is, goes straight into his mouth.
- Just started being amused when I play peek-a-boo with him. We've had some good laughs with that.
- He is now actually interested when we read books to him! especially when they have faces in them. His eyes follow the page as we turn it. So cool!
- He can see me way way across the room.
- John rolled over from his tummy to his back! This is what I wrote in my journal that day 11-28-12:
"Yes, today was the day! I put John on his tummy in his crib and then went to use the bathroom. When I returned, he was on his back! He was smiling at me. I was/am so proud! I cheered for him, and he smiled even bigger as if he knew he had done something wonderful. It truly is wonderful. There are many children with developmental problems who take years to even be able to roll over. I am very thankful that John is healthy and growing so strong."
He hasn't done it again yet, but I am sure he will soon.

John is certainly growing well. He had his 4 month check up. The stats were:
Height: 26.25" - 85th percentile
Weight: 15lbs. 10 oz. - 50th percentile
Head Circ.: 43 cm - 60th percentile
Our pediatrician said that was all good. She said that John will probably start following our body types now and thin out a little bit, so she thinks his weight is doing fine.

John has developed tortacollis. I had no idea what that was before. It means that he prefers one side (his right) and is getting stronger on that side. It might be because we almost always hold him up to our left shoulders so we can still do things with our right hands and John has developed the tendency to look to his right. For the next baby, we'll know that it's important to alternate sides. So we've started holding him on the right side, and he'll start physical therapy this month. Our pediatrician said it's nothing to worry about and is very easy to fix at this age.


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