Sunday, June 23, 2013

The Work of Salvation

Today was a spiritual feast. Our whole bishopric spoke in sacrament meeting about being content with that which the Lord has blessed you with, about magnifying the power of the Priesthood in our homes and lives through keeping our covenants and the commandments, and paying an honest tithing and generous fast offering with faith. I want so much to follow all of this counsel our ward was given, and be obedient, and I will do it.

Then, tonight, Seth and I watched the worldwide church broadcast, The Work of Salvation. If you haven't watched it yet, you should. It is life changing. It made me want to do more to share the wonderful good news about Jesus Christ, and to pray more fervently for, to look for and to take advantage of opportunities. I felt the great responsibility placed on me, when Pres. Packer said, "The most influential and effective teaching is by mothers in their homes." I want to be a mother who influences her children and husband for good, who prepares them to serve the Lord and to do His work. I know that the first step to teaching is doing. I must work to do the things I want my children to do, to be the kind of person I hope they will be.

When we were just friends, before we started dating, I asked Seth what kind of woman he was looking for. He said, "I want someone who I would want my daughters to be just like." I was interested from that point onward. That was a good answer, and I knew this guy was a keeper. I am so glad that he thinks I am that kind of woman, and I want to do better to be someone he would be proud for his children to emulate.

I know that is such an essential role in the work of salvation. As I watched the broadcast, I saw the throngs of missionaries, and in my minds eye, I saw their mothers. I thought of the swelling pride in their chests for their children that they were sending out into the world to preach the gospel to every nation, kindred, tongue and people. I thought of the tears in their eyes, and their heartfelt prayers for them. I will help those missionaries. I will help the missionaries whose mothers and fathers have entrusted them to the Lord.

And I will prepare myself and my family to serve the Lord in any way that He has for us. I don't know what is ahead, but I know the possibilities and opportunities are great, if I will have the faith to go forward and take them.

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