Monday, July 14, 2014

Yes, we are still alive

I know it has been a long time since my last post, so much has happened! We went to Virginia on a family vacation with the Shepard's for a week in June, my sister Ashley stayed with us for a week, and my sisters Claire and Martha also stayed for a few days. Then Seth's sister Lani and her six kids came to stay with us last weekend. We have had so much fun being with family! Pictures forthcoming. 

I have also really felt a connection to my Cleveland ancestors as we are closing this chapter in our lives, I have been finding them at cemeteries all around Cleveland, it is amazing how much history my family has here.

We have also been busy bees packing and preparing for our move in two weeks. It is amazing how much more difficult it is to prepare for a move when you have a toddler that needs constant attention! My hat goes off to all of the mothers and fathers out there, especially my own! We moved quite a few times and moving with seven kids cannot be easy, when it is so hard with just one toddler. Seth's sister Kristina, and his sister Lani (and their families of course) are also moving very soon, it is a big transition time for our family! Seth's brother Jacob is getting married in August, and we are headed to Houston in a few weeks, after we move.

John will turn two at the end of this month. He is the smartest little guy I know, he is just bursting with new talents and abilities. He is really learning so many words very quickly. With all those talents and abilities comes the frustration of not being able to fully express himself, or to do everything he wants or explore anything he wants. He is very into things that are dangerous, like scissors and knives and box cutters. And although it seems to break his little heart, I can't let him play with those… 

John has not been getting the undivided attention that he so craves, since I have to at least spend some time packing and preparing for our move. It is really hard to let him watch TV every day, but there aren't really many options right now. And I tried to have him watch movies in Spanish, so he's learning right? I just have to keep reminding myself that after we move and get home from Texas things will start to settle down and we will get into the swing of our new life.

John is definitely into his terrible two phase. I never thought that such a sweet little angel could have tantrums like he does sometimes. Tonight was the worst tantrum I have ever seen him throw. We had a code red dinner time meltdown! John really just wanted to eat cornbread, and he didn't want to eat anything else, and he didn't want us to break his cornbread up into pieces, he just wanted to shove the entire muffin into his mouth in one bite which would have been serious choking hazard. Oh the crying and the screaming! Then we just decided to give it up, and we let him go free, we thought he was just playing in the kitchen, but then he came out with some cornbread that he had snatched somehow off the stove. He came out with such a smirk on his face. You should have heard the screams when he didn't get to eat at all. It seems like there is no point in reasoning with a toddler, he can't really understand half of the things that we say anyway, no matter how logical or fair we are trying to be.

Then while we were cleaning up dinner we turned around and John had somehow gotten to his bowl of chili and dumped it all over the dining room floor. It is kind of hilarious and being a parent.

It is so wonderful to have such a supportive husband to be apparent with me! Seth was so nice to immediately give John a bath, while I cleaned up the chili. 

John is truly a sweetheart 75% of the time. I am thankful for those times, because my patience really wears thin the other 25% of the time. Stepping away and do you put breathing is really helping me to keep my cool with him. Instead of dwelling on the times when he hits me or pulls my hair or steps on me, I am trying to remember the sweet and gentle moments that we have together. Like the time on Saturday, when John said his first prayer. He repeated every word after me "Dear Heavenly Father, We are thankful to be a family. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen." Well, he didn't say Amen, he said "down?" Because he wanted to go down and run away to play. But he was pretty close!

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