Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Independence Day July 4th 2013

We had and awesome Independence Day! Our first fourth of July with John!
We started the day by watching "Despicable Me 2" at the theater with my sister Martha. Thanks Jeena for babysitting John for us! It was so fun and funny! The last time Seth and I went to the movies was for the last Harry Potter movie. That was a really long time ago. A year, or more.... it's not high on our priority list. We would usually rather get it from the library, make popcorn and watch it on the couch. But not Despicable Me 2. The first one is one of our favs, and the second one did not disappoint! :)

John had so much fun with Grandma Jeena. They were so patriotic!
This is a 4 generation picture. Seth's grandparents, Walden and Gwen Johnson, his mom, Jeena Wagner, us, and John Robert Wagner. I wish Robert Wagner could be here, but I know he is in spirit. It was special to be all together. Walden and Gwen's posterity is now over 225! 9 children, 56 grandchildren, and more than 111 great grandchildren! John was 95th. Grandpa Johnson said at the reunion in Burley. "We feel richly blessed to have all of you. If we had nothing else but you, we would be very rich indeed. You are our treasures." 

He said to me, "You are a beautiful woman, very special. I'm thankful for all my posterity, and that they are faithful in the gospel." It really is a miracle, of all their children and grandchildren, all that are married, have married in the temple, and the men have served full-time missions, and so many of the women. They are special people, and have created such a legacy. 

We got to see some of Seth's family just as we were leaving Jeena's house for a picnic at my cousin's. They were sad to see John go, but we needed to go see some of my family.
Here is my mom's dad, Claude Hubbard, John's only other living great-grandpa. We were glad to get to see him, and we got to meet his fiance, now wife, DeAnne. They really love Baby John, and he loves them.
It was hard to be back at my grandparents house again. I used to live there, when my grandma was alive. She's been gone a year and a half now, and I missed her so much being there again. Just seeing her handwriting all around the house brought me to tears. She used to write on sticky notes, and neatly label all her containers. I know that if I do have a guardian angel, I think/hope it's her. The last time we were in UT, I told her, my grandpa and my great aunt Edith that we were pregnant. I remember they were all so happy and anxious to meet the baby. My grandma passed away a week later, so perhaps she got to meet John before the rest of us. And, my aunt Edith passed away also. My family actually completed her and her daughters temple work today. It is a special day.

Me, Aunt Kelli (my mom's sister), and Martha (my sister who is so tan she could be Native American!)

My cousins, Heather, and Kyle, and Kyle's wife, Val
Tyler, Heather, baby Tanner, Sadie, and Devin
Grandpa and DeAnne
Devin, Heather and my Uncle David.
Tyler, Kyle's kids, Carson and Brynnley (I didn't get a shot of McKay! :( , and Sadie

It was so nice to see everyone. We also got to go to Carson's baptism. I won't forget my Aunt Kelli's heartfelt talk with lots of visual aids, and how she showed that we're all like dirty pennies when we sin and how Christ helps us be clean. I also loved that during Carson's confirmation, his cousin Tyler was being a little loud, so Heather was taking him out, and he called out, "Grandpa! Help!" :)

John tells us he's tired when Bert and Ernie take their places, and he guards them with his other hand.
But we took so long to leave after we put him in his carseat that he just wanted to see what was going on. He always lifts up the carseat cover, and it's so cute :)
I am thankful for my ancestors and all who have helped to build this free country, and for all who are fighting now to keep it free. Happy Independence Day!

1 comment:

  1. What a fun celebration with family. All these pictures celebrating the 4th takes me back to when we celebrated together. Those are good memories! John's blue eyes are to die for. What a cutie!
