Sunday, November 2, 2014

So glad that True Charity Never Fails

Today John wasn't feeling too well. I thought about taking him home from church to take a nap so that he could recover, since he wasn't going to nursery, but I felt like I should go to Relief Society (our women's meeting on Sundays at church). I  was very tired, but I went. I am so glad I did. One of my dear new friends here in Columbus, Kelli, gave the most beautiful lesson about how we can turn to Christ to help us when we feel that our own charity is failing, and when we do feel weary in well-doing. "Charity Never Faileth" is the motto of the Relief Society. But we talked of how we are all imperfect. And many times, our own charity (or pure love) does fail. It runs out sometimes. Our own charity is weak sometimes. But someone said that, although this is true, that's not what this scripture is talking about. Although our charity does fail, Christ's love for us never fails, and we can turn to Him for love, help, guidance. We talked of new beginnings, of acknowledging that it's ok to have bad feelings sometime, to feel angry, or frustrated, or sad, etc. But that these feelings are opportunities from God help us recognize when changes need to be made. It isn't one monumental effort. It is the consistent daily effort of a lifetime that will bring us to our goal. We need to be kind and loving to ourselves, to forgive ourselves and start again. Just try again, and keep trying. 

The comments and insights and instruction received in this meeting were sweet and poignant to me. I needed to be there. God knew this was just what I needed. And miracles happened inside me today. I am so thankful I have the privilege to do to church. And that is why I always go, even when I don't want to. God can always show me a better way when I am there at church. It gives me a new perspective and vision for another week.

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