Friday, June 6, 2014

John is 22 months old! 5-31-14

Sometimes when people ask John's age, I just tell them he's two! It's easier. Holy cow! He's so close to being 2! And he's been acting like he's 2 for about 6 months now...
It's hard to believe that almost 2 years has already passed!
 We are just in love with this little boy!

John has developed something that we like to call The Frankenstein's Monster Walk. While he’s having a tantrum, he stiffens up, arches his back, and puts his arms out as he stumbles around. It's pretty hilarious.

John and Stella are really becoming pals. They have so much fun together. Oh how we will miss the Winders!

Having fun visiting with Aunt Candi, Aunt Laura, and Great Grandma Phyllis Paver Shepard.

The many faces of John 

It may be hard to believe with all the gorgeous smiles on this post, but “No” is John's favorite word, and it often appears in slews of six or seven or eight times in a row, just to emphasize his point. He says no automatically if I ask him any question, even before he has time to contemplate whether or not he would like to say yes. Even if it would be an absolute yes, he precursors his real answer with no, just in case. Then maybe he might say yes.

John is now learning how to share, and really enjoying playing with other kids (not just around other kids), most of the time....


John is starting to play pretend and talk to himself when he plays and starting to sing. He loves to dance, he gets so excited whenever music comes on. His dancing is becoming even more expressive and fun.
John loves to watch a certain scene from "Tangled" every time he finishes taking a bath. We started doing that when it was getting unmanageable to keep him still enough to dry his hair, comb it and get his clothes on. As soon as his bath is over, he asks "horsey?" He loves the horse and the chameleon in the movie! He could watch it a thousand times...and he probably will...

John is really amazing at talking. He is my personal parrot. He usually tries to say anything that I try to say. He is so curious about the world around him, and he wants to know the name of everything that he sees, and he will try to say it's name weather in English or Spanish or both. He is also doing great with signing. Signing is what helps us bridge the gap between Spanish and English.

John basically has all of his teeth except his two year old molars. His two bottom canines are still working on poking through, but they're almost there. His teeth have opened up so many new foods, it's so great that John and eat so many different things now! We are currently obsessed with black olives. Olives!? Who knew!? I didn't like them growing up, but John is opening up new horizons to me. John is in love with bananas. Those are his dessert. He really loves grapes tomatoes, avocado and corn right now.

Our little guy loves to give hugs. Sometimes when he sees his friend, Stella, they will give each other a big hug or two or three. The other day they fell over during a very enthusiastic hug :)
John blows kisses, says "Night, Night." tries to say, "I love you." He is such a sweet boy. John is becoming very polite too! He says and signs please and thank you and understands them in Spanish. When he says please, he really says, "Kweee?" and when he says thank you it seems like he really says, "Here you go."
John loves to count and sing the ABC's, he tries to sign with me and sometimes he'll walk around the house and just say random letters and numbers. Sometimes when we count together he will actually say the correct number after the last one that I said!


John loves when he discovers a new skill! He was so thrilled when he figured out how to carry this rake :)
Oh John, you bring color, joy and light to our life. We love you!

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