Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The Other Prodigal

We watched this video for Family Home Evening, and I learned and felt much. 
Sometimes we feel that if another person is successful or added unto in some way, that it diminishes our own success. Or if someone has much, then we have even less. But really what affects us is our own attitude. I have been weighed down with these very thoughts before, but they have never made me feel happier. I am only happy when I am counting my blessings however great or small. So lets all count our blessings.


I had my first real physical therapy session yesterday, and I am starting a lot further behind than I though I was, and then my therapist though I was. He kept telling me to do 2 sets of 15, and when I couldn't do more than 7 at a time....he he to make different plans. Then I got in the water, and it was nice to my joints but I could feel the resistance. That will help me get stronger. My blood pressure is a little messed up. My therapist looked very concerned and asked me, "Are you usually this low?" ... "Well, how low is 'this low'?" 90 over 50. Well, for the last 10 months or so since I developed Autonomic Dysreflexia it has been. That's why I feel so dizzy. Then getting out of the pool I was 88 or 44.... hmmm... I'm glad I have trained professionals managing my way back into active exercising. If I faint, at least they'll be there to pull me out of the pool :)

Today I did my physical therapy home exercises as I graded the TOEFL while a friend of mine, Katie Taylor, (who is an angel) watched John. It was difficult and made me feel weak and sore, but I think it's the good kind of discomfort. Seth tells me you have to break your muscles down a little to help them make room to build some more. Maybe he is right. He is doing ab workouts with a 45 pound weight on an inclined bench, and I am laying on the ground lifting up my leg...3 sets of 5 twice a day.....and right now that is difficult for me. But then again, Seth's success in exercising is certainly doesn't take away from my own. I can be successful with my 3 sets of 5 twice a day, and soon it will be 3 sets of 6, and then 7 and 8 and 20!

And John had a blast playing with Katie.
I think we need to get this cutie some sunglasses.

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