Sunday, October 20, 2013

The Enabling Power of the Atonement and MBA Applications All Sent In!

This week, Seth and I sent in his 3 MBA applications to
Fisher at The Ohio State University,
Foster at University of Washington,
Marriott at Brigham Young University.

And I'm so proud of Seth. He got invited to the Season Premiere at OSU when he sent his resume in early. A weekend event where you get an overview of the program, meet students, alumni, faculty, see the campus, and get interviewed by the admissions board! That's a very good sign that they like him! He's got a good chance!

It has been a grueling process, this whole applying to MBA school thing. Studying for the GMAT, taking it, researching schools, deciding on schools, prepping recommenders, writing and re-writing resume, getting transcripts, deciding on a major/emphasis, filling in the applications, writing, re-writing, re-writing, and editing essays. I helped a lot on the resume and essays, being one who likes to write and has a respect for language. But most of this has all been Seth's doing. I've been as concerned as he has been, if not more so, in my own particular way. We've really been a team through the whole process.

I have felt like
a coach,
a comforter,
a confidante,
a commiserater,
a counselor.

It has been difficult and we have not gotten along every minute of the whole process, but I'm happy to say that we have for most of those minutes, and the ones where we got a bit impatient, we swiftly apologized and made up.
We've both grown through this challenge, and we've learned to communicate better, to appreciate each other's strengths. Our marriage has been strengthened. We have helped each other, and been each others cheer-leaders. I've helped Seth with essays and resumes while he's helped me with bath time, shopping and housework. We've gotten in sync. I'm so thankful for a loving spouse, my best friend.
Through it all, I've been battling chronic exhaustion, pain and and serious health issues, but miraculously I've been able to do all that is most important, and more. (Although I need to cut out some of the "more"). I've been able to care for John, and work, and help Seth and manage my home and church responsibilities somehow, day by day, minute by minute.

Some days I look back and through all the pain and fatigue I look at what I've accomplished and I know I didn't and could never have done it on my own. I am learning more about the ENABLING POWER OF THE ATONEMENT (click on that link to learn more about it too). Christ did not only perform the Atonement to redeem us, but to enable us.

I know that the enabling power of Christ's atonement is making all this possible. I rely on Him just to get through each day, to help me put a smile on my face even when I'm hurting and tired. After working 8 hour shifts reading essay after essay, and my eyes are burning and head aching, through the Holy Ghost, I've had words come to my mind and flow through to my furiously flying fingers on a keyboard to honestly and eloquently represent Seth's many accomplishments and dependable character. I've seen this same power work through Seth. I've seen him become even better than he was, and it always surprises me because I think he's pretty wonderful  as it is! I know that Christ offers this blessing to each one of us.

How have you felt the enabling power of the atonement bless your life?

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