Thursday, March 6, 2014

John is 19 Months Old! 2-28-14

John loves to walk around tickling himself and others. He says "lickleliggle"
He's a little parrot everything. He's great at learning words, English, Spanish, and signing
John loves to put things on his head.

John loves to play. He plays hard! And he loves to dance and shake maracas. He says, "Shake!"
John's favorite songs are
the wheels on the bus
itsy bitsy spider
happy and you know it
He loves to do all the motions!
 John is a climber now, and he is so tall he can reach the stove burner! Watch out!

 This kid loves music. Coldplay is his favorite! At church he opens the hymn book and leads with the chorister, or during a talk that he thinks is too long.

 John had a wonderful time with his Aunts, Diane, Laura and Candi this month while we had a weekend away at business school. John absolutely adores his great aunts, and their dogs, Gypsy and Patch (now all dogs are named, "Pah!"

John can fold his hands during the pray and then says, "Amen!" and puts his hands out far and smiles!
When John is getting ready to take a bath, he loves to rub his tummy!
 John loves people. He is Mr. Friendly. He is absolutely content whenever he has some new buddies to play with.

He's a great eater. He eats just about everything we give him if he's able to chew it.

John is in love with animals.
John just started signing and saying please and thank you! (well, he says "Gacia and Pwee")
 After he does anything good or fun, you can always count on John to say/yell, "Yay Yay Yay!" and clap his hands!

John says "ChooChoo!" He loves trains.
John loves to read books, and he learns a new word on every page! He watches your mouth when you talk so he cal learn so fast.

John is calling us "Ama" and "Apa" instead of Mama and Papa now. It's pretty darn cute. We love our wonderful son!

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