Saturday, December 14, 2013

John is 16 Months Old! 11-30-13

John turned 16 Months Old on Nov. 30th.  It is such a fun age he is at! He's getting busier and busier. He loves to talk says and signs many different words in English and Spanish, and he loves to say animal sounds! John is a great eater. He loves to eat broccoli and cauliflower, and eats very flavorful foods that I make him. He eats most everything we eat (if he can chew it).
11-25-13 "John is obsessed with cell phones right now. We don't let him have our cellphones, to his great dismay. So he turns all sorts of things into cell phones, anything with buttons or a screen the remote, a little electronic scrabble game, and things that are nothing like a phone, toy cars, blocks, etc. He holds it up to his ear and says, "Oh!" or "Ah!" Those both mean "Hola!" Then he shoves the pretend phone into my face because he wants me to say hola too. And then we repeat, all day long. It never gets old!"
Below are some snippets from the month:
11-4-13 During Seth's trip to Seattle: "We've sure been missing Seth today. Anytime there is a sound near the kitchen door, like the neighbor coming in, John looks over with a smile and asks, "Dada?" Tonight he's been asking for him a lot. He knows there's something different when the day doesn't end with a fun time with Seth." 
John has also hit a tantrum stage...when we take something away that he shouldn't have he often yells, or cries.... any ideas for quelling tantrums at this age?
11-18-13- "Today I made a little keychain for John (that doesn't have any keys, only nic-nacs). One of the nic-nacs is a little Gumbi toy. So I pointed to Gumbi a bunch of times and said his name a lot, and John has been going around saying, "Bumbi? Bumbi?" He's really into words that start with "B," and if they don't he just changes it :) It is so fun to watch him learn!"
11-15-13 - "We haven't been able to swing much with the snow outside, but it's melted in the back yard, so John and I ventured out. He wore his new hat and coat and mittens. It is really hard to get his thumbs in the mitten hole! He is wiggling his hand so much. But after I got them on, he clapped them together like it was great fun and like he wanted them on all along.

I thought about the time that I spent on this coat and hat and  mittens, and how much they mean to me: a lot. They mean so much because of this little face I get to put inside of them. They will keep him warm, protect him from the cold outside of our home. That's one thing I want to do. A duty I feel that is mine, and that I want to keep as long as I can. So, in a way, this little coat, and this little hat, and these little gloves are like an extension of me and my love for this precious soul that is mine to care for.

John was thrilled to be outside. He giggled every time I pushed him. Each time, I hold the swing while John waits in avid anticipation, and I say, "Uno, Dos, Tres...Columpia!" I let go on "Columpia!" and he giggles and giggles. What a wonderful sound! It is such a privilege to be John's mother. I have the best job in the world. No amount of prestige, fame or money is better than this. My job is important, and I love being a mother. "

11-24-13 "Tonight we ventured out again to go to Tithing Settlement. It was a great experience to meet with our Bishop, Luke Harmer. John really loves him! He kept walking over to him wanting to be picked up, and smiling at him. He also loved exploring the Bishop's office and succeeded in getting into some mischief that the Bishop was kind enough not to mind. I remember going to tithing settlement with my parents and siblings when I was a kid, and it was and is important to me to know that it was important to my parents to pay a full tithe to the Lord. He's given us all we have, and He only asks a little back to help us show and grow our faith. I'm glad John could come with us, and soon enough he'll understand what it is about and gain his own testimony that the Lord always blesses us for paying tithing."
John love bubbles! and he says "Bubba?"

11-26-13 "Oh, what a day! I'm so glad I'm not working tomorrow. I'm going to play with John all day! and read him books and sing him songs and make him laugh and smile and giggle and say "Buba?" for bubbles, and "Bubby?" for Gumbi, and "Awa" for Agua. (He even does the sign with it, and it's so cute!)

I worked yesterday and today. 8 hours is too long to try to concentrate on essays that all say the same thing (or should) and try to take care of my adorable son, but not pay attention to him. It makes my heart sad that when I hear him happily babbling away in his play room while I'm working, it's not a good idea to go in and play with him and babble with him. And by 2:00 each day, John is pulling on my legs, really sad that I'm not paying attention to him. I would be able to if I had 2 brains, and 4 eyes...4 real eyes."
John is now walking about 75% of the time, and he's getting better and better every day!

John's still got 6 teeth, but 4 molars on the way, and they're taking their time! We hope they'll come in very soon....
I could watch this video of John laughing 20 times in a row (and I have!). John brings so much happiness to our lives!

1 comment:

  1. I loved the videos of John! Could there be a cuter baby? And his laugh is pure joy--I'm going to rewatch the laughing video whenever I need a pick-me-up. Thanks for sharing!
