Sunday, December 22, 2013

Merry Christmas! Love: The Wagner's

Dear Family and Friends,
2013 has been a very full year for us. Seth looks forward every day to working out at the gym early in the morning and coming home to play with John at night. John adores his Dada. Seth works as a Product Analyst for PNC Investments, and he's still the Ward Clerk for our church. Seth studied for the GMAT (MBA/Master's of Business Administration Entrance Exam) and took it in June. He did well, and then we started the long and arduous process of preparing MBA applications and interviewing. The Ohio State University, University of Washington and University of Iowa all accepted him. We've narrowed it down to OSU and U of I, who have both offered Seth scholarships. So we'll have a big decision to make come January. Although it's a tough choice, we're very thankful to have these great options! Seth will be doing the full-time two year program at the school he chooses. We have loved living in Cleveland these 5 years, and we're going to make the most of the short time we have left here.
                Emily is the Provident Living (Self-Reliance) Specialist at our church and is still working part-time at home as an online rater for the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language). She has really benefited from practicing yoga every day and is very into learning about nutrition and health and keeping up on her family blog and food/health blog. Emily's digestion has significantly improved since we improved the way we eat this year, but we all caught some strange illness in the summer, and she has had some setbacks because of that in her health that she's working with her doctors to figure out. Most importantly, Emily absolutely loves being a mom!
                John keeps busy, especially since he learned how to walk in November. John turned 1 year old on July 31st. He gets into everything and loves to explore. He talks up a storm all the time (although we often don't know what he's saying, it sure sounds like there's a lot of meaning behind it!). Emily speaks Spanish and does some sign language with John, and Seth speaks English and does some signs with him. John understands many words in all 3 languages, and communicates some words in Spanish, some in English and some in signs, and others in 2 or 3 languages. It is quite remarkable! John loves any kind of music and every animal, but especially dogs, ducks, camels and cows (and their various sounds). He is eating very well! He eats anything we eat that he can chew, and loves his veggies :) John loves to laugh and smile, and he is truly the joy of our life.         
                We are so very grateful for our many blessings. God has given us much to be thankful for! We know that because of Jesus Christ, all that is difficult and challenging in this world can make us stronger and will be made up for later on. We hope each of you are happy and well. Thank you all for your love, prayers and support. Our prayers are with you, and we are so glad to have you as part of our lives.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!
~ Love: Emily, Seth and John Wagner

Check out our blogs to stay posted with news, pictures, videos, info. and recipes!
Family Blog -
Food/Health Blog -

Watch this Christmas Music Video: What Shall We Give?

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