Saturday, April 6, 2013

General Conference - An Answer to Prayers - said and unsaid

Today was the first half of the 183rd annual general conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Each conference, my note taking is always a little bit different, especially as our life circumstances change. For the last one and this one, I have found that being a parent, notes are not always possible, but I can still listen for answers and topics. So I write down a list of topics that I feel I need help on, and pray for answers and guidance on those topics, and others that I don't even know I should be praying about. It seems like they are often very similar every time. This conference, these are some of my topics:
- using the enabling power of Christ's Atonement in my life
- how to balance and prioritize and stop feeling like I have to do every good thing all at once
- strengthening family relationships
- my role as a mother and wife
- making the temple a focus in my life and family
- caring for my body
Every single one of these topics were addressed today (at least that's how the Spirit spoke to me), and conference is only half over! What a spiritual feast! I truly felt that my prayers were answered and the guidance I needed was given, plus more that I didn't even know I needed but that just felt right and important and true. It was like they were speaking directly for me and to me. I wasn't able to take notes, but I'm grateful that I could listen, even while I cared for John's needs throughout the day. I think I heard the exact words "enabling power of the Atonement" at least 3 times in different talks. There were talks that specifically focused on my concerns about balance, my role, the temple, my body. I know I say it every time, but I feel that each conference is the best one ever, and that is probably because I change a little between each one, hopefully for the better. I am so thankful for a living prophet, and apostles, and other church leaders, all who have been called of God to teach and counsel and guide us. And I received a true witness today that God does answer the prayers of any earnest seeker of truth.

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