Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Grandpa John and Grandma Terri Visit

My parents, Grandpa John (Cece) and Grandma Terri (Bebe) came for a quick visit a couple weeks ago. It was so fun to see them. They were just smitten with Baby John, and he was no less smitten with his grandparents.
My mom is an excellent pianist, and she played some primary songs for us all to sing to while Grandpa held Baby John. He loved it so much and he was so excited that he was laughing and flapping his arms all over the place (including hitting Grandpa in the face :) Sorry! He does that)

I really think these two are connected. It's as if Baby John knew his Grandpa John from before, and maybe he did. John is named John Robert, after both of his grandfathers, and I believe that John knows his Grandpa Robert as well. Even though he has passed away, I believe John will feel the influence of his Grandpa Robert through the veil.

We enjoyed Chipotle together, and then my Chocolate-Almond Tofu Pudding with Strawberry Sauce. Both my parents liked it! Success! We played our traditional Shepard Family game, Euker, the gals against the guys. We each one a game, both of them pretty much blow-outs. Rematch in June!
John really loves to chew on that hair brush handle
Thanks for coming to visit us Bebe and Cece! We love you!


  1. Bebe and Cece are famous on the blogs! ;)

    1. Whoops! Wasn't sure how to spell those names. Now I do :)
