Sunday, November 24, 2013

All Bundled Up!

 Today was a very blustery winter day! We got all bundled up to go to church, and it is always warm there. The heater in our building does work well, a little too well in the chapel; but the warmth that I feel at church comes from the inside instead of the outside. Even the time when the furnace broke during church last winter and it was very chilly in the building, everyone stayed. It could be seen as shocking that everyone stayed, rubbing and blowing on their hands, and huddling together. But it isn't shocking to me. I know how they feel, they want to be there to feel the warmth and love, and to renew their covenants to God and receive added strength to face the challenges of the coming week.
Tonight we ventured out again to go to Tithing Settlement. It was a great experience to meet with our Bishop, Luke Harmer. John really loves him! He kept walking over to him wanting to be picked up, and smiling at him. He also loved exploring the Bishop's office and succeeded in getting into some mischief that the Bishop was kind enough not to mind. I remember going to tithing settlement with my parents and siblings when I was a kid, and it was and is important to me to know that it was important to my parents to pay a full tithe to the Lord. He's given us all we have, and He only asks a little back to help us show and grow our faith. I'm glad John could come with us, and soon enough he'll understand what it is about and gain his own testimony that the Lord always blesses us for paying tithing.

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