Tuesday, November 26, 2013


Christmas is almost here! Well, I kind of feel like it is. To me, the Christmas season starts the day after Halloween. Thanksgiving is part of the festivities! :) John and I have been rocking out to Christmas music for weeks now.

Oh, what a day! I'm so glad I'm not working tomorrow. I'm going to play with John all day! and read him books and sing him songs and make him laugh and smile and giggle and say "Buba?" for bubbles, and "Bubby?" for Gumbi, and "Awa" for Agua. (He even does the sign with it, and it's so cute!)

I worked yesterday and today. 8 hours is too long to try to concentrate on essays that all say the same thing (or should) and try to take care of my adorable son, but not pay attention to him. It makes my heart sad that when I hear him happily babbling away in his play room while I'm working, it's not a good idea to go in and play with him and babble with him. And by 2:00 each day, John is pulling on my legs, really sad that I'm not paying attention to him. I would be able to if I had 2 brains, and 4 eyes...4 real eyes.

Speaking of eyes, we've finally saved up enough for me to get Lasik surgery!! It's been a long wait, but I'm really excited! I'm sad about having to wean John, but 16 months is sufficient I suppose... Really, it's now or never. You can't do the surgery while you're nursing or pregnant, and we'd like to have a big family. And that money will get eaten up by other medical bills (which are rolling in) if we don't use it now. And my wonderful mother-in-law Jeena is even going to come stay with us in March and help out with John when I get Lasik. Hooray!

To see. To just open my eyes when I wake up and see. See the clock clearly. Do yoga and see (without my glasses). To see the computer, the road, my husband, my son, without glasses. What a privilege. It is a privilege to have glasses. People 400 years ago didn't have glasses to help them see. Many/most people in the world don't have glasses who need them. I do have glasses, multiple pairs!
and I can see this beautiful sight:
and it's a super privilege to get Lasik, and I am grateful. Very grateful.

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