Friday, November 15, 2013

Uno, Dos, Tres...Columpia! = One, Two, Three...Swing!

We haven't been able to swing much with the snow outside, but it's melted in the back yard, so John and I ventured out. He wore his new hat and coat and mittens. I found the coat and hat at thrift stores, and the whole deal was $8 :) Whoohoo! I had do do a bit of work on it, and then I crocheted anchors to the hat and mittens so they'll stay attached to the coat if John pulls them off, which he does a lot! It is really hard to get his thumbs in the mitten hole! He is wiggling his hand so much. But after I got them on, he clapped them together like it was great fun and like he wanted them on all along.

I thought about the time that I spent on this coat and hat and  mittens, and how much they mean to me: a lot. They mean so much because of this little face I get to put inside of them. They will keep him warm, protect him from the cold outside of our home. That's one thing I want to do. A duty I feel that is mine, and that I want to keep as long as I can. So, in a way, this little coat, and this little hat, and these little gloves are like an extension of me and my love for this precious soul that is mine to care for.
John was thrilled to be outside. He giggled every time I pushed him. Each time, I hold the swing while John waits in avid anticipation, and I say, "Uno, Dos, Tres...Columpia!" I let go on "Columpia!" and he giggles and giggles. What a wonderful sound! It is such a privilege to be John's mother. I have the best job in the world. No amount of prestige, fame or money is better than this. My job is important, and I love being a mother. 
When we came inside, John rapidly crawled around the kitchen corner looking for Seth, asking, "Dada? Dada?" This little boy sure misses his Dada, and so do I! Our home is so empty without him, even during the day. Just knowing that he's not going to walk in the door between 5:30 and 6:00 just makes the day seem like...not as much as it could be, like...not enough.

Seth did well in his interview today. Thanks everyone for your prayers!

We can't wait to have you home tomorrow night, Dada!

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