Friday, January 31, 2014

Resolutions Revised

My ONE WORD is: Peaceful

What I really want in 2014 is:

  • to read, listen to study and ponder half of the Old Testament Sunday School Lessons each week
  • to learn to clear my mind so I can sleep better
  • to have a planned date night with Seth weekly

What I really need in 2014 is:

  • to practice yoga at least 30 min. a day no matter what
  • to meditate for at least 10 min a day in the morning, sometime during the day, and before bed no matter what
  • to do physical therapy 4 times a week to minimize pain and increase strength

What I will share in 2014 is:

  • positive thoughts and feelings
  • patience with myself and others (especially my family) in difficult or frustrating situations
  • forgiveness with myself and those who I may feel offended by

In 2014 I will succeed at:

  • reading and marking all the recent year's Oct. 2013 and April 2014 General Conference  talks out loud (when possible) in Spanish
  • jogging around Dellwood block (where we live) before we move - a half mile
  • speaking positive affirmations to and about myself each day
  • persevering until my doctors give me an accurate diagnosis

My goals are blossoming! And some already bearing fruit.

I decided to try to put my goals into life categories. Some of them definitely overlap, so maybe I need a Venn diagram...or not. This works just fine.

Revised into Life Categories

  • have a planned date night with Seth weekly
  • share positive thoughts and feelings
  • share patience with myself and others (especially my family) in difficult or frustrating situations
  • share forgiveness with myself and those who I may feel offended by

Physical and Emotional Well-Being:
  • speak positive affirmations to and about myself each day
  • persevere until my doctors give me an accurate diagnosis
  • learn to clear my mind so I can sleep better
  • jog around Dellwood block (where we live) before we move - a half mile
  • do physical therapy 4 times a week to minimize pain and increase strength
  • to practice yoga at least 30 min. a day no matter what
  • to meditate for at least 10 min a day in the morning, sometime during the day, and before bed no matter what
Spiritual and Intellectual:

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Resolution Review

I read this wonderful article about New Year's Resolutions: The Best Time to Plant a Tree by Dieter F. Uchtdorf. It is profoundly helpful, and it could change your life. Read it!

Two quotes that I want to highlight that he says:

"An old proverb says, “The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The second-best time is now.”
There is something wonderful and hopeful about the word now. There is something empowering about the fact that if we choose to decide now, we can move forward at this very moment.
Now is the best time to start becoming the person we eventually want to be—not only 20 years from now but also for all eternity."
For a month now, I've been trying to meditate right after I pray when I wake up. This is the morning meditation that I love the most so far. In it are the words, 
"Each day is an opportunity to be your best self."

I believe that, and focusing on that every morning is helping me to view each day as an opportunity to do and become better than I was yesterday. Because, as you may recall, "Every day in every way I'm getting better and better!

Have I done this meditation every day and begun the day centered and peaceful? I'd like to say yes, but the true answer is no. Some days I've started the day with my son crying and myself wishing that I were still asleep. 

But I'm learning that resolutions have to have some give to them, or you may give up at the first sign of failure or struggle.

President Uchdorf also says: "Sometimes the thing that holds us back is fear. We might be afraid that we won’t succeed, that we will succeed, that we might be embarrassed, that success might change us, or that it might change the people we love.
And so we wait. Or give up.
Another thing we need to remember when it comes to setting goals is this: We almost certainly will fail—at least in the short term. But rather than be discouraged, we can be empowered because this understanding removes the pressure of being perfect right now. It acknowledges from the beginning that at one time or another, we may fall short. Knowing this up front takes away much of the surprise and discouragement of failure.
When we approach our goals this way, failure doesn’t have to limit us. Remember, even if we fail to reach our ultimate, desired destination right away, we will have made progress along the road that will lead to it.
And that matters—it means a lot.
Even though we might fall short of our finish line, just continuing the journey will make us greater than we were before."
So here's to becoming our best selves!
My sister Hannah gave us each the opportunity at my parents house on New Years to write resolutions. It was a great idea, and I'm glad I did it, and the goals that I made were well thought out, and I thought they were pretty good. But I also made some of them "set in stone," by putting the words, "no matter what," at the end of the goal. This set me up for failure and discouragement. So I've been doing some tweeking - love that word (You've Got Mail? Anyone? Anyone?)
Tomorrow, I will tell you more about the goals I've set, how they are going, what I've learned so far, and how my goals have changed. So to you faithful readers, if you are out there, stay tuned!

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Homemade Healthy Artisan Bread

I made homemade artisan bread today for the first time, and it came out amazing!! :D Hooray! One time I tried to make whole wheat bread in college (8 years ago. Whoa.) and it was so dense it was like a doorstop or a paper weight.
This came out light, chewy crunchy crust, soft moist inside. Delicious! I used the master dough recipe from THIS cookbook I borrowed from my friend Beth, and I will definitely be buying this book. It was so easy!! and fast! You don't knead it, or need a mixer or a bosch, or anything fancy, just a pizza stone, bowl and metal pan. And it's dairy free and made with white whole wheat, that I ground myself. Can you tell I'm excited! Seth said it's better than the $4 a loaf bread we buy at the Stone Oven. :) And John just kept eating and eating it, so I think he's a fan too.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Asking Forgiveness from a Toddler

I lost it today. I yelled at my son. Yes. It's true. Hard to admit, but true. Having a sore back from wrestling a flailing 25 pound bronco with an 8 pound cannon ball for a head, and after being hit in the face, and the 18th tantrum, John started to rip up my beloved conference Ensign that I've been working so diligently to read and highlight. I couldn't get it away from him fast enough and something inside me just snapped. I yelled, "NO!" and then....he looked at me with a confused face that said, "My mama doesn't make sounds like that. Why would you yell at me?"

Shame, guilt and remorse instantly followed this lapse of patience and love, and I thought about the times that I have been yelled at and how it never made me want to be better, act kinder, show more love. It made me feel afraid, angry, resentful, rebellious, hurt. Those times flashed before me (which have been very few but memorable) when someone has yelled at someone else in John's presence. It seemed so very inappropriate for someone to yell in front of such an innocent, pure being.

And I yelled at him. I suppose I could have done worse, and unfortunately I probably will in the future. I immediately hugged him, said I was so sorry, asked John's forgiveness and then prayed to the Lord for forgiveness and patience. I want to be better. I want to be the parent that will help John to learn to be kind and loving and patient and good.

I am reminded of the scripture that teaches that a great truth for all parents (or anyone) that your authority should be used "only by persuasion, by long-suffering, by gentleness and meekness, and by love unfeigned;
By kindness, and pure knowledge, which shall greatly enlarge the soul without hypocrisy, and without guile- 
Reproving betimes with sharpness, when moved upon by the Holy Ghost; and then showing forth afterwards an increase of love toward him whom thou has reproved, lest he esteem thee to be his enemy;"

That is the kind of parent I want to be. I know that God cares about what I am doing and what I am learning. He is in the details of our lives, and He is all-knowing. Yesterday, I made our daily fruit smoothie, and I had an idea that I should put some in a bowl and freeze it.Then I wondered why on earth I would do that when it is -10 degrees outside. But I felt like I should, so I froze some in a bowl. Lo and behold, later in the day, John fell out of his car: 
onto his face on the wood floor and bit open his lip. As he was bleeding on his shirt and crying a good cry, I thought, "What can I do? He won't let me put ice on it." And then, I remembered - the frozen smoothie (ice cream - we call it). As I spooned nutritious ice cream into John's swollen but pacified mouth, I said a little pray of thanks that God cared about my son's cut lip. It's truly a miracle that He cares about something so small. This experience reassures me that God loves us and wants to help me in my role as a parent, as a wife, as a daughter, whatever I am, He will help me.

I did better after my outburst, and during the millionth (that is an exaggeration, but I wasn't counting) tantrum in which John threw his head back and arched his back (which often results in him hitting the floor causing himself real pain... and a lot more ardent crying) I put him down in a safe place and walked away and sang a song

I can understand that my little explorer is anxious and has cabin fever being cooped up in the house when it's freezing with 2 feet of snow outside. He's getting tired of his surroundings and wants a change of scenery. But, what can I do? After reading books, singing, counting, bath time, dancing to Raffi songs, eating snacks, playing with all our toys, I run out of ideas and start over. But really he just wants to go outside, eat some dirt, fall in the grass, pick up leaves and look at bugs. But all the bugs are dead right now...well I take that back. There were like 30 ants in our playroom today! What's up with that? Is there an ant hill in my house somewhere? Ants have no business being alive and in my house in January....

My friend Beth Winder has a toddler too, and we talked today about ways to teach these kids how to be gentle, patient and kind, and that tantrums are not a good way to show your emotions. I thought I might try doing time-outs in the pack-n-play, but then Seth said that if we travel, John will think that sleeping in there is a punishment.... I quickly ran out of ideas on how to reprove betimes with sharpness and afterwards show forth an increase of love to an 18 month old who can't even talk in 2 word sentences yet. (but he can sign 2 word sentences about wanting more food! :) 

So, I call on anyone out there. HELP! Please give me your 2 cents. I know that you don't usually leave comments (but I so appreciate them when you do), but this time, will you make an exception? Maybe it could help me! Tell me your experiences, ideas, failures and successes with teaching toddlers discipline with love. And you could recommend any articles, books and scriptures to help us on our parenting way. 

Thank you, thank you in advance!

Monday, January 27, 2014

The Most Important Skill I Will Ever Teach John

It has sometimes been -15 degrees F here with the windchill and we have 2 feet of snow. They almost cancelled church yesterday because of the snow, but I'm glad they didn't.

It was ward conference, and I was very spiritually edified. Sometimes at church I get caught up in what people say that I think isn't exactly right, or I feel that they are not using the right teaching methods, or having the right attitude, etc. But when I focus on that, I don't usually learn anything. I usually just come away feeling upset. I'm trying to work on not being critical, but instead to remember that we are all imperfect, and we all have our weaknesses, including and especially me. And isn't it wonderful that God wants us all to be a part of His Church and Kingdom despite our imperfections?! We are all His children and He loves us. 

I learned that the word "Satan" in Hebrew actually means "stumbling block," and so when Christ told Peter, "Get thee behind me Satan," He wasn't saying Peter was the devil, but He was telling him not to be a stumbling block in His way or an obstacle to accomplishing his mission. I also was reminded that Satan is subject to God, and that he doesn't really understand God's plan. He is also subject to us. That's cool! Satan only has power in our lives when we allow him to or invite him to, but when we trust in the Lord, rely on the Atonement, and keep the commandments, we can always have the Lord's Spirit to be with us as it says in the sacrament prayers. When we keep the Holy Ghost near and active in our lives, we can conquer Satan.

Our Stake President Michael Haymond spoke to the Relief Society about the most important skill all of us can develop in our lives. I love to learn and gain new skills, and if this is the most important skill I will develop in my life, then I need to devote myself to learning it. He spoke about learning a foreign language (that's a good skill, but not the most important) and how to do so we must practice every day to communicate in this language, to speak and listen, to study the vocabulary, the grammar, and to spend time consistently on this skill. He spoke about how if you don't use a language you know, you get rusty and forget. Then he told us,

The most important skill you will ever develop in your life will be to learn and use the language of the Holy Spirit.

He quoted what Joseph Smith taught Brigham Young in a vision, that we all need to live in a way that we can keep the Holy Ghost in our lives, that we can listen to and act upon the promptings of the Holy Ghost. This is the very most important thing as mothers, as parents, as teachers, as spouses, as missionaries, etc that we can teach - to invite, to recognize and to act according to the Holy Ghost. If we will do this, then we will always go right. 

The things we must do to obtain and develop this skill after we have been baptized by the proper priesthood authority and received the gift of the Holy Ghost are basic but critical, such as
spending quiet time each day to pray, ponder, meditate and listen
attending the temple and keeping our covenants
choosing to eliminate contention in ourselves and our lives
studying the scriptures and thereby inviting personal revelation
acting upon the promptings of the Holy Ghost so that we can show the Lord we trust Him and will use what He gives us, so that He in turn will trust us and give us more revelation and promptings.

I do believe that if we learn and use the language of the Spirit, we will always have the guidance, help and direction we need. This will be the most important skill I will ever teach John to develop. And teachers have to understand to effectively teach, so this is what I want to and will practice and learn.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Memory Foam VS. Hybrid (Foam and Spring) Beds

We're in the market for a new mattress as I have really been struggling to sleep for a long time. And I have back, neck, hip and knee pain, so we really want to make a good choice on this one. We went to a mattress store and laid on what felt like a million beds for 2 hours. We like the Hybrids and the memory foam mattresses. Have any of you tried them? It's hard to choose a bed when you only lay on it for 2 minutes instead of 8 hours....

Friday, January 24, 2014

It's Date Night!

As you can see, one of my 2014 resolutions is to speak more positively to and about myself and to others and to use positive affirmations. That is going very well. And another of my resolutions is to have a planned date night with Seth every week. :) This will get even more important as Seth goes to MBA school in the Fall because we aren't going to be seeing as much of him then. So it's great to start the pattern now! We have a lot of time together, but we don't always set specific time aside for "Date Night" but now we do! And it's awesome. Try it. It will put some more kindling on the fire of your romance with your spouse. Happy Dating!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Ye Have Done It Unto Me

Loved this video today! It made me want to spend my day being kind to people. And since the only "people" I'm with all day are John and then later Seth, I'll be kind to them. And I suppose I'm with you in a cyber kind of way, so I hope this video will uplift you and help you too.


PS, John is almost 18 months, and I still haven't finished his 17 month post! Where does the time go? I need to find my video camera usb's got to be somewhere around here.... probably somewhere in the toy box.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Happy Positive Affirmations

Since John learned how to say "Happy" last week, I can't help but think about how if you focus on being happy, you'll be more happy, and the opposite is true as well.

Have you ever woken up and said to yourself or someone else. "I'm tired, and grumpy, and in pain, and depressed, and ugly, etc..." Did you feel any better after saying that? No. I'm sure you didn't.

If you don't feel happy and glad and grateful, try this:

Out loud (that's important - to say it out loud) repeat to yourself:

I am happy.
I feel grateful for... (add anything that you can think of that you appreciate)
I am full of energy.
I am at peace.
I am beautiful.
I am successful.
I feel joyful.
I am glad to be alive.
I feel healthy and well.
I choose to be happy and find joy in my situation.
I love my life.
I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
Every day in every way I'm getting better and better! (This is the one that I repeat to myself every morning and night. It really works!) Read THIS article about Emile Coue and the results he found from optimistic autosuggestion

I've been doing this, and it is really helping me.

Really, try it! These positive affirmations can make a huge difference in how you feel. Focusing on your blessings and speak positively to yourself and others, and you'll feel better about yourself and your life. Even if these words are not currently true, you can trick your subconscious into cooperating. Fake it 'til you make it!

Monday, January 20, 2014

Let Freedom Ring

“I have a dream that one day little black boys and girls will be holding hands with little white boys and girls.” 

"When we let freedom ring, when we let it ring from every tenement and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old spiritual, "Free at last, free at last. Thank God Almighty, we are free at last."

"I Have a Dream Speech"
Photo found here
Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day! This is a day that we celebrate a man who stood up and spoke out for basic human liberties for all.

I am thankful for my blessings of freedom, for my rights and privileges. On this day, we not only celebrate Martin Luther King Jr., but all those people throughout time who have fought for this noble cause. There are others who have dreams and who are fighting for justice, for peace, for kindness, for equality in our day, on this day. My parents have been visiting with us this weekend, and we've had such a lovely time. My mom introduced me to one of these brave soldiers who is fighting to let freedom ring. Her name is Malala.
Photo found here

Since she was a child she has been raising her voice for the right for girls to go to school in Pakistan, standing up to terrorism. At age 15, she was shot in the face by the Taliban who thought they could silence her, but they failed. And she is speaking now today, on her 16th birthday, she addressed the United Nations. You should listen to her.
Malala is a walking miracle, full of eloquence, mercy, peace, purpose, and love. I hope someday, she will be the Prime Minister of Pakistan. I would vote for her, and I know many will. She will do great things in the world. But her purpose is not to show that she is great, but to show that we are all brothers and sisters, that we all should be kind and support each other, that we should fight for the rights for all people to be educated everywhere, and to be treated justly. Her message is that:
Photo found here

Friday, January 17, 2014


Seth read a book to John yesterday about feelings, and John learned how to say "Happy!" Isn't that fun? That's his first feeling word, and it suites him because a lot of the time, he is our very happy boy.  And we just love him so much.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

What do your kids want for dinner?

John is feeling much better now. Still coughs maybe twice a day, but he's just like himself again. Thank you for your good wishes and prayers!

Yesterday John's nap schedule got a bit off because our gutters were being fixed 5 min after I put John down in his crib. The timing! On the baby monitor, I could hear the loud banging, and then I would hear a faint tapping reply. John was apparently trying to contact the repair man with Morse code (I know, he's so advanced! Morse code already and he can't even count to 3 yeat!) to tell him that he was tired and that it was actually nap time. Well, I gave up after a while because John wasn't having it. So he ended up having his lunch later than normal and his snack much later than normal (miraculously he did take an afternoon nap). He ate half an orange and half a cup of chick peas, his favorite (behind bananas. Nothing can beat bananas in John's mind currently). So he was very full and Seth got home just a little bit after his snack, so I thought we'd just let John play during dinner, but as soon as we sat down to eat, John walked over to his high chair, pointed to it and looked at us expectantly. He wanted  to eat dinner with us! Not because he was hungry, but because he knows that is what we do, and he likes for us all to be together. I was touched by that.
What do your kids (and/or your spouse) want for dinner? YOU!


Do you want to know if The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is true or not? If yes, then watch THIS video.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

My Little Boy John

 When I look at this picture, it is hard to believe that John is already so grown up. He's my little boy. And such a cutie too. He's a bit of a copycat. He really looks up to us. It's wonderful, and a huge responsibility. If Papa wears a hat, John wants to wear his hat. If I brush my teeth, John wants to brush his teeth (with my toothbrush), if Papa eats a sandwich, John wants to eat his sandwich too. If I say a word, John wants to say it too.
We had better wear and say and do the right things because we so want this little one to have a bright future and to be good and kind and loving, to be like the one we want to be like.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Our MBA Decision - And the Winner IS......

O H!  ...  I O!!!
Yes, It is true. We have made our decision and made the arrangements! We are headed to Columbus, OH and Seth will attend Fisher for his MBA at The Ohio State University! We are so excited, and glad and grateful to be at this point in our journey. But we're also glad for all we've gone through in the process, because we have grown so much stronger in our marriage and closer to the Lord.

This has certainly been the most difficult decision we've made since we've been married. It was very hard to turn down good schools, especially when they had offered us so much. But, in the end, Seth only wants 1 MBA degree.

After weighing all the factors, doing what seemed like endless research and preparation and talking to so many people, and of course after discussing it and praying and fasting about it, we feel very confident that this is where we are supposed to be. This is where we need to go, where we want to go! We finally feel peace about it. 

Once, I got into the "what if" state of mind about all this. "What if we had decided something different about the number of times to take the GMAT, about which schools to apply to, etc." But then I realized, if we had chosen anything different in those options, we probably wouldn't have wanted to go to OSU, but we do, and we know that's the place for us. So I'm thankful the Lord is in control and that He's leading us where we need to be.

We feel strongly that Seth will have the opportunities he needs at Fisher. They have an excellent network, very involved Career Services Department, and many recruiting companies that come to campus to tell you about their businesses and what kind of jobs opportunities they are offering. Seth had a good feeling at Fisher, and he felt that he would fit well into the culture. For those and many  other reasons, we chose OSU. 

And we are also excited about a ton of other benefits! Such as living near many of the Shepard's (my extended family on my Dad's side), a temple, COSI (one of my favorite places my family took me to as a kid), but I called it CISO :), still close enough to drive to my parents, Kroger, OSU Sports, the Columbus Zoo, OSU Rec Center (with babysitting, yay!) I could go on and on.

In the photo (I'm wearing shoes, and Seth isn't,...... I promise we are the same height....) John seems to be reaching out. Maybe he too can feel the excitement about this new and good change to come in our lives. And, just as I was, he will be raised a Buckeye! I was born in Columbus while my parents were attending OSU and lived my first 6 years in Columbus. I was born a Buckeye, and it feels good to be going back.

Thank you all for your continued love, support and wisdom at this important time in our lives. We are so thankful for you!

Monday, January 13, 2014

Fasting and Praying About Our MBA Decision

In The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we believe in Fasting. I haven't been able to fast for a long time because you shouldn't when you are pregnant or nursing. But I am starting to get back into it, and it is such a blessing. This is what I learned yesterday about fasting:

"The law of the fast has three great purposes. First, it provides assistance to the needy through the contribution of fast offerings, consisting of the value of meals from which we abstain. Second, a fast is beneficial to us physically. Third, it is to increase humility and spirituality on the part of each individual."
The Law of the Fast - Elder L. Tom Perry

I listened to many talks about fasting to learn how to improve my own fast. This 10 minute talk below is so helpful in understanding how to fast and why we fast.
For the text of this talk, go HERE

"If we want our fasting to be more than just going without eating, we must lift our hearts, our minds, and our voices in communion with our Heavenly Father. Fasting, coupled with mighty prayer, is powerful. It can fill our minds with the revelations of the Spirit. It can strengthen us against times of temptation.

Fasting and prayer can help develop within us courage and confidence. It can strengthen our character and build self-restraint and discipline. Often when we fast, our righteous prayers and petitions have greater power. Testimonies grow. We mature spiritually and emotionally and sanctify our souls. Each time we fast, we gain a little more control over our worldly appetites and passions."
The Law of the Fast - Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin

Yesterday we were fasting about our decision for MBA school. This has been the biggest and most difficult decision of our married life; really it was a decision process, I should say. It has taken over 9 months to complete this process with so many decisions along the way. But I know that the Lord has guided us all the way and has been answering our prayers. This is not the first time we have fasted about our decision, and we've been praying all along the way. We have done all we could to study it out in our minds, to do all the research we could do, to weigh the pros and cons, and to talk to many people about it. After all this, we've decided which school we feel is best and then taken the matter to the Lord to ask him if it is the right choice for us. 

God gave us this pattern through modern scripture:  "behold, I say unto you, that you must astudy it out in your bmind; then you must cask me if it be right, and if it is right I will cause that your dbosom shall eburn within you; therefore, you shall ffeel that it is right.
 But if it be not right you shall have no such feelings, but you shall have a astupor of thought that shall cause you to forget the thing which is wrong" (Doctrine and Covenants 9:8-9)
While I fasted, I was better able to hear the word of the Lord, to feel the Holy Ghost. And Seth and I both felt a confirmation of the decision we had made. So, we have decided for sure, and we're signing the papers today and putting down our deposit! So stayed tuned and find out tomorrow where the Wagner's are off to!

To learn more about fasting, go HERE and HERE

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Putting Away Christmas Decorations but Keeping the Spirit of Christ Out

This week John and I worked on putting away the Christmas decorations. I was very glad to have them away because John is at a stage that a decorated Christmas tree seems to be a hazard. John was distracted from his own misery (of RSV and a double ear infection - which is getting better by the way) by the bright lights and the bustle of packing things up.

It's so hard for me to believe that Christmas has gone by again. It seems like last Christmas wasn't that far away, but when I look to see much John has grown I know it has been a very full year. Truly I can also see much growth in Seth and in myself. We have grown wiser and stronger through our trials, experiences and decisions, and we have been blessed abundantly. We are not the same as we were a year ago, but hopefully a little better.

Although I have put the Christmas decorations away, I will be careful not to put the Spirit of Christmas away until November. For the Spirit of Christmas is the Spirit of Jesus Christ: charity, generosity, kindness, forgiveness, patience, submissiveness, love. I want that Spirit to live in us all the year long, and although we will not see Christmas lights for a while, the light of Christ will shine brightly from our hearts, from our eyes; it will shine in everything we do as long as we follow Him, our perfect example.

John at Christmas 2012
John at Christmas 2013

Saturday, January 11, 2014

John's Grand Lux Dance and Bebe and Cece, but Really Just Bebe...

Here are the doting Grandparents. We sure miss them already! (Come visit us for MLK weekend! Maybe? Please?) John walks around the house and whenever he sees a picture of either or both of them he says, "Bebe?!" To John, they are both Bebe for now :)
We had a great time with the Shepard's and Megan this holiday! We laughed, we sang ( I love singing all together! We have at least 2 people for each part, it is beautiful!), we played Dicecapades and Catch Phrase, Bebe and Cece treated us all to The Grand Lux Cafe on Michagin Ave. in downtown Chicago
Picture from HERE
which is so delicious and very cool! It's full of windows and the trees outside were all covered in snow and white lights. Beautiful!John was slap happy and had a blast. He started dancing in his highchair and cracked us all up.

What a fun time with our fam! We love you all!

Friday, January 10, 2014

Shepard Family Photo Shoot 2013

Here is the Shepard Family 2013
Well, without photo shop, I couldn't get one with everyone's eyes open, but these two are the best options I think, so take your pic :)

Today I was inspired by THIS post, and her frank and beautiful testimony of her values and family. I love my family, and I am so thankful to be part of 3 wonderful families! My own, my extended family and Seth's extended family. We are all connected. Family is most important to us. It is the foundation of society. Strong families are what make the world go around. No family is perfect, some are more ideal than others, but everyone can strive to do the little things that will strengthen their family, whatever shape or size it may be. Our family isn't perfect, we have our own squabbles and don't always get along, but the most important thing is that we start over when we don't treat each other right, and remember the love we have for one another.

I want to share this video with you. This sums up how I feel about my family and my faith. Much of it is based on the inspired proclamation, "The Family: A Proclamation to the World"
James and John didn't really want to be in the picture, blame it on the fact that it was right after church and nap time... but James enjoyed doing his own little GQ photo shoot and jumping on the couch afterwards :)

And here are some treasures and some bloopers. The many faces of the Shepard Family. 




  Yes, we were all glad to reach the end of picture time.