Monday, January 6, 2014

Staying Warm

Tonight I am thankful
to be in a beautiful warm home, safe from the -10 degrees outside and bitter wind and snow,
for the firewood filling a room in my basement, a working fireplace, lots of warm clothes and blankets, and basement shelves full of food storage that will help me sleep more peacefully tonight, knowing that we'll be alright even if we lose power,
for a kind friend who braved the cold took me to and from the hospital to have THIS procedure done,
that I got through the procedure (one breath at a time! That's the way I can do hard things, one breath at a time!) with all my fingers in tact....I really wondered for a little while....
that my skin isn't burning anymore and I don't have a rash,
that I have good insurance,
that Seth could take care of John today,
for a bathtub with warm water for John to take 2-3 baths in a day and be happy for at least 20 min...until we take him out
that John can breathe a little bit through his nose and that he ate a little better and drank his fruit/veggie juice,
that John sustained no injuries despite many flailing tantrums and throwing back of his head (oh, he is just so miserable, poor kid),
for Baby Tylenol,
that I have a wonderful son who will recover from this illness,
that our nice car is safe in the garage with a full tank of gas (thanks Seth!) and not in a ditch,
for electricity, a furnace, lights,
to have my best friend for a husband, for his faith and calm demeanor no matter what perplexing questions I come up with about life or God's moral government or the Old Testament or whatever,
for a kind word from a doctor today and that he treated me like a person, not like a specimen,
that the same doctor doesn't think I have Malaria, but is going to test me for it anyways, just to rule it out (We have to figure it out somehow, and I guess process of elimination is the only way, and I'm learning patience and submission to God's will and faith in His plan for me),
and I'm thankful that I can stop typing with this tired, weak, tingling and aching hands of mine (that still have all the fingers attached!) and get into my nice warm flea-free bed (yes, in Guatemala there were fleas in my bed - did they give me Malaria? Probably not, but they did give me some itchy red bites.... I'm thankful I don't have those right now!) with my sweet husband and sleep for at least 7 hours. Yay!

So much to be thankful for. Love to all.

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