Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Cousins Bath Time with James!

These two had so much fun together over New Years!
 That was before they both got sick, poor guys. Get better soon!

John update: We went to the doctor today and found out that John does have RSV, but that his lungs are fine (hooray!), the congestion is in his head and throat. He has a double ear infection :( but we're going to take care of that. And the great news is that he slept all through the night, woke up talking instead of crying and had no fever this morning!!! A high fever for a week, on top of everything else, has been scary. Yesterday was the worst. But it looks like yesterday was the peak of the mountain and now we're on the other side. He's on the mend. It was so wonderful this morning to see him smile and laugh a little and say a couple words and eat breakfast and drink his smoothing. He's going to be alright. Thanks to all those who have been praying for John!

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