Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Our MBA Decision - And the Winner IS......

O H!  ...  I O!!!
Yes, It is true. We have made our decision and made the arrangements! We are headed to Columbus, OH and Seth will attend Fisher for his MBA at The Ohio State University! We are so excited, and glad and grateful to be at this point in our journey. But we're also glad for all we've gone through in the process, because we have grown so much stronger in our marriage and closer to the Lord.

This has certainly been the most difficult decision we've made since we've been married. It was very hard to turn down good schools, especially when they had offered us so much. But, in the end, Seth only wants 1 MBA degree.

After weighing all the factors, doing what seemed like endless research and preparation and talking to so many people, and of course after discussing it and praying and fasting about it, we feel very confident that this is where we are supposed to be. This is where we need to go, where we want to go! We finally feel peace about it. 

Once, I got into the "what if" state of mind about all this. "What if we had decided something different about the number of times to take the GMAT, about which schools to apply to, etc." But then I realized, if we had chosen anything different in those options, we probably wouldn't have wanted to go to OSU, but we do, and we know that's the place for us. So I'm thankful the Lord is in control and that He's leading us where we need to be.

We feel strongly that Seth will have the opportunities he needs at Fisher. They have an excellent network, very involved Career Services Department, and many recruiting companies that come to campus to tell you about their businesses and what kind of jobs opportunities they are offering. Seth had a good feeling at Fisher, and he felt that he would fit well into the culture. For those and many  other reasons, we chose OSU. 

And we are also excited about a ton of other benefits! Such as living near many of the Shepard's (my extended family on my Dad's side), a temple, COSI (one of my favorite places my family took me to as a kid), but I called it CISO :), still close enough to drive to my parents, Kroger, OSU Sports, the Columbus Zoo, OSU Rec Center (with babysitting, yay!) I could go on and on.

In the photo (I'm wearing shoes, and Seth isn't,...... I promise we are the same height....) John seems to be reaching out. Maybe he too can feel the excitement about this new and good change to come in our lives. And, just as I was, he will be raised a Buckeye! I was born in Columbus while my parents were attending OSU and lived my first 6 years in Columbus. I was born a Buckeye, and it feels good to be going back.

Thank you all for your continued love, support and wisdom at this important time in our lives. We are so thankful for you!


  1. Congratulations on the decision being made and this new adventure! I am so happy for you guys!

  2. YAY!! I'm so excited for you!! It's gonna be awesome. I LOVE the RPAC!! I know you don't eat this kind of food, but there's a French restaurant down there called "La Chatelaine" that's fabulous. (maybe you already know about it). They have amazing sandwiches, soups and salads. Darn it, thinking about the Zoo and COSI and everything has me dying to head down there!
    I'm so excited for you!!!
