Thursday, January 16, 2014

What do your kids want for dinner?

John is feeling much better now. Still coughs maybe twice a day, but he's just like himself again. Thank you for your good wishes and prayers!

Yesterday John's nap schedule got a bit off because our gutters were being fixed 5 min after I put John down in his crib. The timing! On the baby monitor, I could hear the loud banging, and then I would hear a faint tapping reply. John was apparently trying to contact the repair man with Morse code (I know, he's so advanced! Morse code already and he can't even count to 3 yeat!) to tell him that he was tired and that it was actually nap time. Well, I gave up after a while because John wasn't having it. So he ended up having his lunch later than normal and his snack much later than normal (miraculously he did take an afternoon nap). He ate half an orange and half a cup of chick peas, his favorite (behind bananas. Nothing can beat bananas in John's mind currently). So he was very full and Seth got home just a little bit after his snack, so I thought we'd just let John play during dinner, but as soon as we sat down to eat, John walked over to his high chair, pointed to it and looked at us expectantly. He wanted  to eat dinner with us! Not because he was hungry, but because he knows that is what we do, and he likes for us all to be together. I was touched by that.
What do your kids (and/or your spouse) want for dinner? YOU!


Do you want to know if The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is true or not? If yes, then watch THIS video.

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