Sunday, January 12, 2014

Putting Away Christmas Decorations but Keeping the Spirit of Christ Out

This week John and I worked on putting away the Christmas decorations. I was very glad to have them away because John is at a stage that a decorated Christmas tree seems to be a hazard. John was distracted from his own misery (of RSV and a double ear infection - which is getting better by the way) by the bright lights and the bustle of packing things up.

It's so hard for me to believe that Christmas has gone by again. It seems like last Christmas wasn't that far away, but when I look to see much John has grown I know it has been a very full year. Truly I can also see much growth in Seth and in myself. We have grown wiser and stronger through our trials, experiences and decisions, and we have been blessed abundantly. We are not the same as we were a year ago, but hopefully a little better.

Although I have put the Christmas decorations away, I will be careful not to put the Spirit of Christmas away until November. For the Spirit of Christmas is the Spirit of Jesus Christ: charity, generosity, kindness, forgiveness, patience, submissiveness, love. I want that Spirit to live in us all the year long, and although we will not see Christmas lights for a while, the light of Christ will shine brightly from our hearts, from our eyes; it will shine in everything we do as long as we follow Him, our perfect example.

John at Christmas 2012
John at Christmas 2013

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